Science Objectives and Significance to NASA/NOAA
TROPICS will provide
high-resolution sounding
within hurricane eyes
Super Typhoon Haiyan (Nov 6, 2013)
Imaging (90 GHz shown) and sounding
reveal precipitation structure and intensity
TROPICS will meet state-of-the-art
performance requirements for
temperature and moisture sounding
VIS/IR observations are
blind to storm structure
TROPICS will provide 60-minute
median refresh rate at all
longitudes and +/-40° latitude
Science Objectives
- Relate precipitation structure evolution, including diurnal cycle, to the evolution of the upper-level warm core and associated intensity changes
- Relate the occurrence of intense precipitation cores (convective bursts) to storm intensity evolution
- Relate retrieved environmental moisture measurements to coincident measures of storm structure (including size) and intensity
- Assimilate microwave radiances and/or retrievals in mesoscale and global numerical weather prediction models to assess impacts on storm track and intensity
Significance to NASA/NOAA
- Achieves first high-revisit microwave nearly global observations of precipitation, temperature, and humidity
- Complements GPM, CYGNSS, and NOAA JPSS/GOES missions with high refresh, near-all-weather measurements of precipitation and thermodynamic structure
- Increases understanding of critical processes driving significant and rapid changes in storm structure/intensity